Monday, November 1, 2010

For the Love of... National Novel Writing Month

So, National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) officially kicked off today.  My stats are as follows:

Words for articles... 1,500 easy
Words for NaNoWriMo... ZERO!

It's only day one... not necessarily a big deal that I am officially 1,667 words behind but here's the thing, I came across A LOT of erotica publishers wanting story submissions... some way less than the 50,000 limit.  So I am thinking I shall be kill two birds with one stone.  Why the hell not?!

I can crank out 1,000 to 5,000 pretty good words to submit to these publishers and then continue to expand upon my words taking it all the way to the 50,000 mark!  Sounds like a good plan to me.  I have the Monday after Thanksgiving off of school and Little Man will be in school so if I'm really behind that will give me one great day's worth of catch up time.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

For the Love of... Modern Family!

I'm a recent viewer to Modern Family.  Oh, I had caught bits and pieces here and there since it's inception but I never really tuned regularly to see the shenanigans.  Oh my, has all of that changed recently!!  I was LOLing all over the place last week.  You couldn't help but crack up over the neighbor's annoyance with a parrot that turned out to be Manny's beloved Momma, Gloria, screaming, "JAY!!" at the top of her lungs.  Then, there was the hysterical one-liner by Mitchell as he fretted about them not getting Lily into into preschool.  "Leave it to the gays to raise the only (not smart) asian!"  Ha!  Too funny. 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

For the Love of... Taking the Perfect Photograph

I spend some time this evening updating the look of my page... I added some new feeds from a writer friend who isn't afraid to go "there."  While I was at it, I decided to add some of the photographs I've taken semi-recently.  They were taken within the last year, for sure.  I love to photograph flowers in particular.  (None of that "be still and smile" business that can zap the joy out of taking pictures in 2.5 seconds flat.)  So I added some here... for your viewing pleasure.  Enjoy!

For the love of... The Nate Berkus Show

Here before long, I shall be writing articles for Examiner on The Nate Berkus Show.  I've been watching, more or less, since he started; and, I have to say that I am enjoying his shows!  He's such a cutie but incredibly warm and friendly, too.  Seems to be really thankful for his current lot in life.  Never mind all of the decorating tips I've been getting since I started watching.  I love design shows!!  This should be fun.  Now, if only the website link would hurry up and get up and running!

Monday, October 11, 2010

For the Love of... Blogging for my Boobies

I just came across an article talking about how, in observance of Breast Cancer Awareness month there's this thing called Blogging for Your Boobies.  So, here is my contribution.  You'll have to forgive the poem format but I think, when you're done reading, you'll agree that it's sad and funny all rolled into one!  Although, because it IS Breast Cancer Awareness month and I am extremely grateful that my boobies are cancer free and I am continuing to remind myself that it's not what on the outside that counts but what's NOT on the inside that counts.  Anyway, here's my little poem devoted to my boobs.

I looked in the mirror today and what did I see?
My mom's boobs staring back at me!!


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

For the love of... Playing with my Blog's spaces

Have just spent that last half hour or so playing with the fun things I can do to make my blog space more personalized and reader friendly.  While doing so, I discovered there is a way to see the stats of my blog.  It seems I've even had someone stop by who was in Russia!!  It's a cool thing that the internet lets us do these days and that is to reach out to people far and wide who you might not otherwise have ever come in contact with.  

I've gotten lazy with my writing lately.  This writing for a living business takes a lot more work than you might imagine.  When you do it from home, especially, there are so many things to distract you along the way.  I am thinking tomorrow I just might be packing up my laptop and going to the library and working there for the day.  Maybe by doing that I'll be able to knock out several thousand words or so.  Five thousand would be fantastically fabulous!

I am currently working on writing a fun, highly erotic novella that chronicles the sexual awakenings of Emily.  Emily what?  You might want to know but I'm not sure I know myself yet.  Nor, have I figured her out.  Is she an overly ambitious romance novel writer who promises her agent and publisher a highly charged erotic tale that she can't seem to deliver?  Or is she a super-smart Geeky girl who's been too busy working on her academic education rather than her adult education?  Stay tuned to find out.

Speaking of Adult Education... am I the only one who remembers that song by Hall & Oates?!

Book Review: Light My Fire by Katie MacAlister - San Antonio romance novels

Book Review: Light My Fire by Katie MacAlister - San Antonio romance novels

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

For the love of... An Erotic Pen Name

After finding out about NRP (Noble Romance Publishing) and their call for submissions regarding erotic and romance... a friend and I have decided to team up together and write two (one for each of us) sexy, titillating tales of single girls discovering themselves... and their desires... in a novella format.

The plan is to submit it to the publishers by the end of September and we've done it with the thoughts that the publishers will agree to feature our two stories together in a book. 

Just the two of us... we can make it if we try... just the two of us... you and I.  LOL

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

For the love of writing... words that won't come

I have been writing pretty steadily now at my writing gig ( and I've tried to write things that are newsworthy, helpful and interesting to most people.  Certainly, most moms anyway.  I had idea after idea after idea pouring forth from my brain.  I have a list amassed for articles to be written and I can't.  I can't seem to do it anymore.  I can't make the words come! 

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Single moms can celebrate Father's Day for themselves

Single moms can celebrate Father's Day for themselves

For the love of... not being able to count on someone you thought you could.

Don't you hate it when that happens?  You rely on someone for something and they drop the ball?  Not even drop the ball but don't even turn to look at it?  Here's the bottom line... if you can't do something, if you don't want to do something then JUST SAY SO!  I thought if I put this out there in BlogVille that it might help me not be so damn angry about it.  What really makes me even more pissy is that I ASKED before I lobbed the ball! 

Thursday, June 17, 2010

For the love of... beautiful creatures

I took the picture of this cutie when we were at the Ft. Worth Zoo on Spring Break.  This silly guy was trying so hard to remain  hidden under the burlap sack he carried everywhere with him.  I love this picture!  Such a cute face!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

For the love of... finding me on

The following link will take you to my page on  Bear in mind, it's a work in progress that I've just begun so it'll look a little bare at first.  I'm writing as their single parent expert and while some of you may not be single parents, I would appreciate your feedback, nonetheless.  Off you go...

For the love of... writing words and getting paid for it

I recently applied to to become San Antonio's Single Parent Examiner (sorta like a reporter-type position) and today they emailed me letting me know I had the job.  Yippee!!  As soon as I'm up and running, I'll be sure to let you know how you, too, can read all of my articles.  I'm excited.  Can't wait to get started! 

Saturday, June 5, 2010

For the love of... Poems written by the 14-year-old version of yourself

Question...With No Answers

Why is happiness so easy to grasp
Yet so hard to hold?
How can love so brief
Pay such a heavy toll?
Why do you walk away
When you know you should stay?
Why is a broken heart
So full of fears,
And bright eyes
Filled with tears?

How do you tell the difference
Between holding a hand and chaining a soul?
How do you go back when yesterday seems so cold?
But how can you go forward when the future is untold?

When will you realize that yesterday is gone
And tomorrow has yet to come?
When will you know
That to forget is to forgive
And to survive is to live?

For the love of... a perfectly placed "test" message

A short message to simply say thank you for stopping by and spending a few minutes of your time with me and my love of writing words. (This is also a test message to check how this whole posting process works.)

Please come again soon!